Inspired People Produce Results (Hardcover Book)
Today, business is moving faster than ever before! Budget cuts, fierce competition, and increased accountability have all resulted in greater levels of pressure. What is the key to leadership in this high stakes game? In a word – INSPIRATION.
Your employees are your number one asset, and the quality of your relationship with them will determine the difference between success and failure. Inspired People Produce Results is a book that reveals the secrets to leading in times of great change.
People are inspired by Passion, Purpose, and Principles that are lived out consistently. Learn about the importance of loyalty, patience, integrity, humility, and other principles that will inspire people and unlock the potential for greater results!
“This book is full of truths that apply to everyone
in a position of influence.”
Ken Blanchard, Co-author of The One Minute Manager

Amazon Best Seller!
#1 in Books in Workplace
#1 in Books in Motivational
#1 in Books in Human Resources & Personnel Management
Inspired People Produce Results (FREE Chapter)
Download your FREE Chapter of Jeremy’s book “Inspired People Product Results”

Inspired People Produce Results (Keynote Speech, PPT/Audio)
- A video version: combines an audio recording of Jeremy’s talk, along with the slide presentation shared with his audience.
- An audio ONLY version: for convenient use on your iPod, tablet, or other mobile devices.

Creating the Perfect Speech (Audio & Companion Guide)
Do you want to become a great communicator? Speaking to an audience is both an art and a science. Since 1995, Jeremy Kingsley has given over 2,000 keynote speeches and spoken to over 500,000 people at live events. Universities, companies, and other groups often ask Jeremy to teach others how he writes and delivers his powerful presentations. Now his methods are available through this audio (recorded live) and companion guide.
In this program, you will learn how to:
- Formulate an idea
- Create “catchy” introductions
- Plan smooth transitions
- Shape illustrations
- Construct powerful conclusions
“Jeremy Kingsley is one of most effective communicators
in the country.”
Adrian Despres, Vice President of KBM

The Leaders Playbook (Workbook)
As a former elite high school athlete, Jeremy Kingsley understands the parallels between organizational and sports leadership. The Leader’s Playbook is unique in that it draws from the best examples in both business and sports to reveal the fundamental principles that every leader should know to win in his/her field. The manuscript provides thought provoking questions and gives you and your team the opportunity grow personally and professionally.
“Having spent years as a leader in the world of athletics, I really appreciate how Jeremy Kingsley understands the leadership parallels between sports and business. He has identified five critical principles that leaders must understand, adopt, and live if they truly want to be champions in their field. This workbook will help you develop who you are so you can be the most effective with those you lead. If you apply the SCORE principles, you will be successful in your career, but more importantly in life.”
Lou Holtz
College Football Hall of Fame Coach, ESPN Analyst

The Three C’s of Professional Growth (Free Download)
Have you ever wanted to get noticed by the “big boss?” To get promoted? To get a raise? What do I need to consistently do to achieve professional advancement? Let’s keep the answer easy and concentrate on The Three C’s of Professional Growth: Competency, Commitment, and Courtesy.