Leadership Tips: Perseverance & Overcoming Adversity

“Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I’ll show you someone who has overcome adversity.” – Lou Holtz

Leadership Tips: Perseverance & Overcoming Adversity

Adversity is part of life. It’s unavoidable. There are always people, obstacles, and events who will stand in your way, forcing you to overcome them in order to succeed. Some people just lie down and let adversity take control. Instead of becoming that person, here are four leadership tips to persevere through hard situations.

1. Learn from others. 

Do you know other people who have gone through a similar circumstance? Reach out to them and ask questions, glean from them. Are there things they learned that you can apply to your situation as well. Another great idea is to read books with amazing stories of people overcoming adversities and challenges.


2. Seek comfort in a supportive community. 

There are numerous groups of people that you can turn to when the going gets rough. They might be a group of old friends, special relatives, or a trusted co-worker. All that matters is that these people understand your point of view and are willing to listen, understand, and be a source of encouragement and strength to help you get you through the situation.


3. Journal to clarify your thoughts and feelings. 

Journals aren’t just something kept by preteen girls. Instead, they are way to help everyone – especially adults – work through their thoughts and feelings on a situation. Whether your journal is a notebook that you write in, a Word document that you type your thoughts into, or a file on your smart phone that you speak into to record your thoughts, all that matters is that you are working through everything to come up with a solution. It often comes in handy down the road when you face another challenge or have the opportunity to help another person in a time of need.

Developing these healthy habits will help foster resilience, turning you into a stronger leader who is more capable of facing your defeats and adversities along with becoming a helpful person for others facing hard situations in the future.

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