The Danger of Overconfidence

When I talk to the executives of different companies, I’ll often say, “Here’s one of the rules you need to have as a leader.  You 100%, absolutely have to brag…  About someone else.”

When you brag about yourself, that’s called ego.  But when you brag about someone else, that’s called encouragement.  What kind of leader do you really want to be?

Let me tell you a story in history about the danger of overconfidence…



Loyalty – A Life Saver Leadership Value

A century ago, a man named Ernest Shackleton was one of the most renowned explorers of his time. He was a member of Captain Randolph Scott’s Discovery Expedition to the Antarctic in 1901–04 and led the Nimrod Expedition to the Antarctic in 1907­­–09, when he and three companions marched farther south than any human had ventured before. He was knighted by the king of England for that effort.

Loyalty – A Life Saver Leadership Value

4 Simple Strategies for Overcoming Stress in Leadership

The inbox on your desk – and the one in your email – are both full of things that need to be dealt with. Your calendar shows that you are booked solid for the next week and a half. You have employees to meet with, potential new ones to interview, and a million other things to do, but little time to do them in. It’s no wonder that you’re stressed out. Leadership is hard. Thankfully, there are a few things that can help you manage your stress levels. Take the time to follow these tips, before you end up snapping at your employees and taking your stress out on others.

4 Simple Strategies for Overcoming Stress in Leadership

Develop as a Leader and Learn to Say “No” at Work

It is fundamentally impossible for one person to “do it all.” At some point, you are going to need to learn how to say “no” when your bosses or co-workers want to dump more work into your lap. Saying “yes” to everything often leads to chronic stress, which in turn can lead to health problems, a poor attitude, and strained relationships, ultimately hurting everyone. Here are a few leadership development tips to think about:

Learning to Say No at Work

Leadership Tips for Dealing with a Boss who is a JERK

Not every boss is nice. Not every boss is reasonable. Some are outright jerks who rule with fear tactics and insults. It’s their way or the highway – and they won’t be afraid to single you out publically if you make a mistake. There may be times you need to be prepared to make a hasty exit, but there are also ways to deal with these types of bosses, here are a few leadership tips:

Leadership Tips for Dealing with a Boss who is a JERK